Ifeduba, A.M., S. Gautam, J. Pandey, S. Toinga-Villafuerte, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales. 2024. Early tuberization: A heat stress escape strategy in the fresh market potato variety Vanguard Russet. American Journal of Potato Research 101: 414–432. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-024-09967-1
Ifeduba, A.M., S. Zhen, J. Pandey, and M.I. Vales (2024). Leaf membrane stability under high temperatures as an indicator of heat tolerance in potatoes and genome-wide association studies to understand the underlying genetics. Plants, 13, 2175. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13162175
Gautam, S., D. C. Scheuring, J. W. Koym, and M. I. Vales (2024). Assessing heat tolerance in potatoes: Responses to stressful Texas field locations and controlled contrasting greenhouse conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 1364244. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2024.1364244
Gautam, S., J. Pandey, D. C. Scheuring, J. W. Koym, and M. I. Vales (2024). Genetic basis of potato tuber defects and identification of heat-tolerant clones. Plants, 13, 616. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13050616
Pandey, J., S. Gautam, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales (2023). Variation and genetic basis of mineral content in potato tubers and prospects for genomic selection. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1301297 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2023.1301297
Blauer, J.M., V. Sathuvalli, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, C.C. Shock, N. Baley, R. Qin, E. Feibert, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, L.O. Knowles, N. Fuller, J.C. Stark, R.R. Spear, M. Thornton, N. Olsen, S. Jayanty, D.A. Navarre, M. Feldman, and M.I. Vales (2023). Rainier Russet: A dual use russet potato with long tuber dormancy, excellent process quality, and high early harvest packaging efficiency. American Journal of Potato Research. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-023-09935-1
Pandey J., D. Thompson, M. Joshi, D.C. Scheuring, J. Koym, V. Joshi, and M.I. Vales (2023). Genetic architecture of tuber‑bound free amino acids in potato and effect of growing environment on the amino acid content. Scientific Reports 13: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-40880-5
Gautam, S., R. Morey, N. Rau, D.C. Scheuring, D. Kurouski, and M.I. Vales (2023). Raman spectroscopy detects chemical differences between potato tubers produced under normal and heat stress growing Conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Technical Advances in Plant Science 14: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1105603
Pandey, P., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, J.B. Endelman, and M.I. Vales. 2023. Genomic selection and genome-wide association studies in tetraploid chipping potatoes. The Plant Genome. https://doi.org/10.1002/tpg2.20297
Baley, N., V. Sathuvalli, B.A. Charlton, C.C. Shock, S. Yilma, R. Qin, E. Feiiebert, M.I. Vales, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, J.M. Blauer, T.L. Brandt, Yi Wang, M. Thornton, and N. Olsen (2023). Echo Russet: A russet variety with a high yield of marketable tubers, high processing quality, and few tuber defects. American Journal of Potato Research 100: 15–26. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-022-09891-2
Pandey, J, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales. 2022. Genomic Regions Associated with Tuber Traits in Tetraploid Potatoes and Identification of Superior Clones for Breeding Purposes. Frontiers in Plant Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.952263
Toinga-Villafuerte, S., M.I. Vales, J.M. Awika and K.S. Rathore. 2022. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of the granule-bound starch synthase gene in the potato variety Yukon Gold to obtain amylose-free starch in tubers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23: 4640. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/9/4640
Toinga-Villafuerte, S., M.R. Janga, M.I. Vales, and K.S. Rathore. 2022. Green fluorescent protein gene as a tool to examine the efficacy of Agrobacterium delivered CRISPR/Cas9 reagents to generate targeted mutations in the potato genome. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-022-02310-8.
Vales, M.I., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, D.G. Holm, S.Y.C. Essah, R.G. Wilson, J.K. Sidhu, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, R.R. Spear, V. Sathuvalli, C.C. Shock, BA. Charlton, S. Yilma, NR. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, C.R. Brown, D.A. Navarre, M. Feldman, C.M. Long, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2022. Vanguard Russet: A Fresh Market Potato Cultivar with Medium-Early Maturity and Long Dormancy. American Journal of Potato Research 99: 258-267. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-022-09877-0
Mora, V., M. Ramasamy, M. B. Damaj, S. Irigoyen, V. Ancona, C. A. Avila, M. I. Vales, F. Ibanez, and K. K. Mandadi. 2022. Identification and characterization of new sources of zebra chip disease resistance among wild Solanum species. Frontiers in Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.857493.
Hoopes, G., X. Meng, J.P. Hamilton, S.R. Achakkagari, F. de A. Freitas Guesdes. M.E. Bolger, J.J. Coombs, D. Esselink, N.R. Kaiser, L. Kodde, M. Kyriakidou, B. Lavrijssen, N. van Lieshout, R. Shereda, H.K. Tuttle, B. Vaillancourt, J.C. Wood, J. M. de Boer, P.M. Bourke, D. Douches, H.J. van Eck, D. Ellis, M.J. Feldman, K.M. Gardner, J. C.P. Hopman, J. Jiang, W.S. de Jong, J.C. Kuhl, R.G. Novy, S. Oome, V. Sathuvalli, E.H. Tan, R.A. Ursem, M.I. Vales, K. Vining, R. G.F. Visser, J. Vossen, G.C. Yencho, N.L. Anglin, C.W.B. Bachem, J.B. Endelman, L.M. Shannon, M. Strömvik, H.H. Tai, B. Usadel, C. Robin Buell, R. Finkers. 2022. Phased, chromosome-scale genome assemblies of tetraploid potato reveals a complex genome, transcriptome, and proteome landscape that underpin phenotypic diversity. Molecular Plant 15: 520-536. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S167420522200003X
Gautam S., N. Solis-Gracia, M.K. Teale, K. Mandadi, J.A. da Silva, and M.I. Vales. 2021. Development of an in vitro microtuberization and temporary immersion bioreactor system to evaluate heat stress tolerance in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 700328. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.700328/full
Pandey, J., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, J. Coombs, R.G. Novy, A.L. Thompson, D.G. Holm, D.S. Douches, J.C. Miller Jr., and M.I. Vales. 2021. Genetic diversity and population structure of advanced clones selected over forty years by a potato breeding program in the USA. Scientific Reports 11: 8344. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1038/s41598-021-87284-x.pdf
Farber, C., L. Sanchez, S. Pant, D. Scheuring and I. Vales, K. Mandadi, and D. Kurouski. 2021. Potential of spatially offset Raman spectroscopy for detection of Zebra Chip and Potato Virus Y diseases of Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). ACS Agricultural Science and Technology 3: 211-221. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsagscitech.1c00024
Morey, R., A. Ermolenkov, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, M.I. Vales, and D. Kurouski. 2020. Non-Invasive identification of potato varieties and prediction of the origin of tuber cultivation using spatially offset Raman spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 412: 4585–4594. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00216-020-02706-5
Vigue, S.J., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, C.M. Rush, F. Workneh, C. Tamborindeguy, J.C. Miller Jr., D.S. Douches, R.G. Novy, M.I. Vales. 2020. Identification of tetraploid potato clones with good processing quality among genotypes with reduced Zebra Chip symptomatology. Amer. J. Potato Res. 97: 565-579. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-020-09804-1
Chappell, A.L., J.W. Koym, D.C. Scheuring, J.C. Miller, Jr., and M.I. Vales. 2020. Incorporation of mannitol in tissue culture media for long-term storage of potatoes at moderately low temperature and effect on subsequent micropropagation. Amer. J. Potato Res. 97: 439-446. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-020-09780-6
Shock C.C., C.R. Brown, V. Sathuvalli, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, D.C. Hane, R. Quick, E. Feibert, J.L. Whitworth, R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.A. Navarre, J.C. Miller, Jr. , D.G. Holm, J. Debons , M.I. Vales, X. Wang. 2018. TerraRossa, a mid-season specialty potato with red flesh and skin and resistance to golden cyst nematode. Amer. J. Potato Res. 95: 597–605. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-018-9667-8
Miller, J. C., D. C. Scheuring, J. W. Koym, D. G. Holm, J. J. Pavek, R. G. Novy, J. L. Whitworth, et al. 2018. Reveille Russet: An Early, Widely Adapted, High-Count-Carton Russet for the Fresh Market. American Journal of Potato Research. American Journal of Potato Research: 95: 79-86. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-017-9620-2
Yilma, S., B.A. Charlton, C.C. Shock, D.C. Hane, S.R. James, A.R. Mosley, K.A. Rykbost, E. B.G. Feibert, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, J.C. Stark, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, T.L. Brandt, N. Olsen, C.R. Brown, M.I. Vales, V. Sathuvalli. 2017. Sage Russet: a new high yielding russet potato variety with cold-sweetening resistance, high vitamin C and protein contents and excellent fresh pack and processing potential. Amer. J. Potato Res. 94: 379-389. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-017-9573-5
Before 2016
Sathuvalli V., C.R. Brown, S. Yilma, A. Charlton, C.C. Shock, R. Quick, E. Feibert, J.L. Whitworth, R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.A. Navarre, J. Debons, and M.I. Vales. 2016. Yukon Nugget: a mid-season yellow skin, yellow flesh specialty potato with extreme resistance to Potato Virus X. Amer. J. Potato Research 93: 602-608. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12230-017-9573-5
Zhou, Y. M.I. Vales, A. Wang, and Z. Zhang. 2016. Systematic bias of correlation coefficient may explain negative accuracy of genomic prediction. 2016. Briefings in Bioinformatics. https://academic.oup.com/bib/article/18/5/744/2562790
Blessington, T., D.C. Scheuring, M.N. Nzaramba, A.L. Hale, L. Reddivari, T.A. Vestal, J.E. Maxim, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2015. The Use of Low-Dose Electron-Beam Irradiation and Storage Conditions for Sprout Control and their Effects on Xanthophyls, Antioxidant Capacity, and Phenolics in the Potato Cultivar Atlantic. Amer. J. Potato Res. 92:609-618.
Karaagac, E., S. Yilma, A. Cuesta-Marcos, M.I. Vales. 2014. Molecular analysis of potatoes from the Pacific Northwest Tri-State Variety Development Program and selection of markers for practical DNA fingerprinting applications. Amer. J. Potato Res. 91: 195-203.
Diaz-Montano, J., B.G. Vindiola, N. Drew, R.G. Novy, J.C. Miller, Jr, and J.T. Trumble. 2014. Resistance of Selected Potato Genotypes to the Potato Psyllid (Hemiptera: Triozidae). Amer. J. Potato Res. 91:363-367.
M. Ndambe Nzaramba, Douglas C. Scheuring, Jeffrey W. Koym, and J. Creighton Miller, Jr. 2013. Relationships among Antioxidant Activity, Phenolics and Specific Gravity in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivars Grown in Different Environments. Amer. J. Potato Res. 90:541-550(submitted).
Vales, M.I., C.R. Brown, S. Yilma, D. C. Hane, S.R. James, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, E. Karaagac, A. R. Mosley, D. Culp, E. Feibert, J. C. Stark, M. J. Pavek, N. R. Knowles, R. G. Novy, and J. L. Whitworth. 2012. Purple Pelisse: A specialty ‘fingerling’ potato with purple skin and flesh and medium specific gravity. Amer. J. Potato Res. 89: 306-314.
Brown, C. R., K.G. Haynes, M. Moore, M.J. Pavek, D.C. Hane, S.L. Love, R.G. Novy, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2012. Stability and Broad-sense Heritability of Mineral Content in Potato: Calcium and Magnesium. Amer. J. Potato Res. 89:255-261.
Yilma, S., M.I. Vales, B.A. Charlton, D.C. Hane, S.R. James, C.C. Shock, A.R. Mosley, D. Culp, E. Feibert, L. Leroux, E. Karaagac, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, J.C. Stark, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini T.L. Brandt, N. Olsen, and C.R. Brown. 2012. Owyhee Russet: A variety with high yields of U.S. No. 1 tubers, excellent processing quality, and moderate resistance to fusarium dry rot (Fusarium solani var. coeruleum). Amer. J. Potato Res. 89: 175-183.
Brown, C.R., M.I. Vales, S. Yilma, S. James, B. Charlton, D. Culp, D. Hane, C. Shock, E. Feibert, M. Pavek, R. Knowles, R. Novy, J. Whitworth, J. Stark, J. C. Miller Jr., D. Holm, R. Quick, and R. Navarre. 2012. “AmaRosa”, a red skinned, red fleshed fingerling with high phytonutrient value. Amer. J. Potato Res. 89: 249-254.
Novy, R.G, J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, T.L. Brandt, S. Gupta, N. Olsen, M. Thornton, C.R. Brown, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, S.R. James, D.C. Hane H. Lozoya-Saldana, and M.I. Vales. 2012. Palisade Russet: A Late blight resistant potato germplasm having a low incidence of sugar ends and high specific gravity. Amer. J. Potato Res. 89: 89-101.
Bamberg, J.and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2012. Comparisons of ga1 with other reputed gibberellin mutants in potato. Amer. J. Potato Res. 89:142-149.
Butler, C.D., B. Gonzalez, M.L. Keremane, R.F. Lee, R.G. Novy, J.C. Miller, and J.T. Trumble. 2011. Behavioral responses of adult potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae), to potato germplasm and transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous. Crop Prot. 30:1233-1238.
Brown, C. R., K.G. Haynes, M. Moore, M.J. Pavek, D.C. Hane, S.L. Love, R.G. Novy, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2011. Stability and Broad-sense Heritability of Mineral Content in Potato: Zinc. Amer. J. Potato Res. 88:238-244.
Jansky, S. and J.C. Miller,Jr. 2010. Evaluation of Verticillium wilt resistance in Russet Norkotah and six strain selections. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:492-496.
Blessington, T., M.N. Nzaramba, D.C. Scheuring, A.L. Hale, L. Reddivari, and J.C. Miller, Jr.,. 2010. Cooking methods and storage treatments of potato: Effects on carotenoids, antioxidant activity, and phenolics. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:479-491.
Brown, C. R., K.G. Haynes, M. Moore, M.J. Pavek, D.C. Hane, S.L. Love, R.G. Novy, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2010. Stability and Broad-sense Heritability of Mineral Content in Potato: Iron. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:390-396.
Jansky, S. and J.C. Miller,Jr. 2010. Evaluation of Verticillium wilt resistance in Russet Norkotah and six strain selections. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:492-496.
Karaagac, E., S. Yilma, and M.I. Vales. 2010. SSR-based DNA fingerprinting of potato clones from the Pacific Northwest Potato Variety Development Program. Acta Horticulturae 859: 121-127.
Novy, R.G., J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, T.L. Brandt, S. Gupta, and N. Olsen. 2010. Clearwater Russet: A dual-purpose potato cultivar with cold-sweetening resistance, high protein content, and a low incidence of external defects and sugar ends. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:458–471.
Reddivari, L., J. Vanamala, S.H. Safe, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2010. The bioactive compounds α – chaconine and gallic acid in potato extracts decrease survival and induce apoptosis in LNCaP and PC3 prostate cancer cells. Nutr. and Cancer. 62(5): 601-610.
Stark, J.C., R.G. Novy, J. L.Whitworth, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, S.L. Love, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.R. Brown, B.A. Charlton, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, N. Olsen, and T. Brandt. 2010. Classic Russet: a potato cultivar with excellent fresh market characteristics and high yields of U.S. No. 1 tubers suitable for early harvest or full-season production. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87: 360-373.
Vales, M.I., R.J. Ottoman, J.A. Ortega, S. Yilma, and E. Karaagac. 2010. Marker-assisted selection for PVY resistance in tetraploid potatoes. Acta Horticulturae 859: 409-416.
Brown, C.R., H. Mojtahedi, J.M. Crosslin, S. James, B. Charlton, R.G. Novy, S.L. Love, M I. Vales, and P. Hamm.2009. Characterization of resistance to corky ringspot disease in potato: A Case for Resistance to Infection by Tobacco Rattle Virus. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86: 49-55.
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, J.S. Miller, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S. Yilma, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, and M.J. Pavek. 2010. Yukon Gem: a yellow-fleshed potato cultivar suitable for fresh-pack and processing with resistances to PVYO and late blight. Am. J. Pot Res. 87: 327-336.
Nzaramba, M.N., L. Reddivari, J.B. Bamberg, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2009. Antiproliferative activity and cytoxicity of Solanum jamesii tuber extracts on human colon and prostrate cancer cells in Vitro. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57:8308-8315.
Ottoman, R.J., D. Hane, C.R. Brown, S. Yilma, A.R. Mosley, and M.I. Vales. 2009. Validation and implementation of marker-assisted selection (MAS) for PVY resistance (Ryadg gene) in a potato breeding program. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86: 304-314.
Rondon, S.I., D.C. Hane, C.R. Brown, M.I. Vales, and M. Dogramaci. 2009. Screening potato clones for resistance to Potato Tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). J. of Ec. Entomol. 102: 1649-1653.
Stark, J.C., R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, T.L. Brandt, and N. Olsen. 2009. Highland Russet: A full season, processing variety with high yields of uniform U.S. No. 1 tubers. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86: 171-182.
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, N.R. Knowles, and M.J. Pavek. 2009. Yukon Gem: A yellow-fleshed potato cultivar with resistance to PVYO and late blight. Amer. J. Potato Res. Am. J. Pot Res. 87: 327-336.
Hale, A.L., L. Reddivari, N.M. Nzaramba, J.B. Bamberg, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2008. Interspecific variability for antioxidant activity and phenolic content among Solanum species. Amer. J. Potato Res. 85:332-241.
Mosley, A.R., S. Yilma, D.C. Hane, S.R. James, K.A. Rykbost, C.C. Shock, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, R.E. Thornton, B.A. Charlton, E.P. Eldredge, R.G. Novy, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, J.L Whitworth, C.R. Brown, J.C. Stark, and M.I. Vales. 2008. Willamette: A chipping cultivar with high yield and specific gravity, low incidence of hollow heart and brown center, and suitability for fresh-market usage. Amer. J. Potato Res. 85: 85-92.
Novy, R.G., J. L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, T.L. Brandt, and N. Olsen. 2008. Premier Russet: A dual-purpose, potato cultivar with significant resistance to low temperature sweetening during long-term storage. Amer. J. Potato Res. 85: 198-209.
Blessington, T., J.C. Miller, Jr., M.N. Nzaramba, A.L. Hale, L. Reddivari, D.C. Scheuring, and G.J. Hallman. 2007. The effects of low-dose gamma radiation and storage time on carotenoids, antioxidant activity, and phenolics in potato cultivar Atlantic. Amer. J. Potato Res. 84:125-131.
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Stark, J.C. , R.G. Novy, S.L. Love, J.L. Whitworth, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, A.R. Mosley, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.E. Thornton, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, N. Olsen, M.I. Vales, and C. Brown. 2007. Blazer Russet: An early to mid-season potato cultivar with high U.S. no. 1 yields and good processing and culinary qualities. Amer. J. Potato Res. 84: 467-477.
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Zapata, C., J.C. Miller, Jr. and R.H. Smith. 1995. An in vitro procedure to eradicate potato viruses X, Y, and S from Russet Norkotah and two of its strains. In Vitro 31:153-159.
Leever, G., W.A. Trank, G. Shaver, J.C. Miller, Jr. and A. Pavlista. 1994. Norgold Russet, Superior and Red LaSoda strains selected for cultivar improvement in Nebraska. Amer. Potato J. 71:133-143.
Bourque, J.E., J.C. Miller, Jr. and W.D. Park. 1987. Use of an in vitro tuberization system to study tuber protein gene expression. In Vitro 23:381-386.
Hannapel, D.J., J.C. Miller, Jr. and W.D. Park. 1985. Regulation of potato tuber protein accumulation by gibberellic acid. Plant Physiol. 78:700-703.
Endelman, J.B., C.A. Schmitz Carley, D.S. Douches, J.J. Coombs, B. Bizimngu, W.S.De Jong, K.G.Haynes, D.G. Holm, J.C.Miller, Jr., F.M. Navarro, R.G. Novy, J.P. Palta, G.A. Porter, V.R. Sathuvalli, A.L. Thompson, and G.C. Yencho. 2016. Pedigree reconstruction with genome-wide markers in potato. Amer. J. Potato Res. 93:(In review).
S. H. Jansky,* A. O. Charkowski, D. S. Douches, G. Gusmini, C. Richael, P. C. Bethke, D. M. Spooner, R. G Novy, H. De Jong, W. S. De Jong, J. B. Bamberg, A. L. Thompson, B. Bizimungu, D. G. Holm, C. R. Brown, K. G. Haynes, V. R. Sathuvalli, R. E. Veilleux, J. C. Miller, Jr., J. M. Bradeen, and J. M. Jiang. 2016 Reinventing potato as a diploid inbred line-based crop. Crop Sci.56:1-11.
Levy, J.G., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, D.C. Henne, C. Tamborindeguy, E. Pierson, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2015. Investigations on putative Zebra Chip tolerant potato selections. Am. J. Potato Res. 92: 417-425.
Variety Release Publications
Shock C.C., C.R. Brown, V. Sathuvalli, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, D.C. Hane , R. Quick, E. Feibert, J.L. Whitworth, R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.A. Navarre, J.C. Miller, Jr. , D.G. Holm, J. Debons , M.I. Vales, X. Wang. 2018. TerraRossa , a mid-season specialty potato with red flesh and skin and resistance to golden cyst nematode. Amer. J. Potato Res. 95: 597–605.
Yilma, S., B.A. Charlton, C.C. Shock, D.C. Hane, S.R. James, A.R. Mosley, K.A. Rykbost, E. B.G. Feibert, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, J.C. Stark, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, T.L. Brandt, N. Olsen, C.R. Brown, M.I. Vales, V. Sathuvalli. 2017. Sage Russet: a new high yielding russet potato variety with cold-sweetening resistance, high vitamin C and protein contents and excellent fresh pack and processing potential. Amer. J. Potato Res. 94: 379-389.
Sathuvalli V., C.R. Brown, S. Yilma, A. Charlton, C.C. Shock, R. Quick, E. Feibert, J.L. Whitworth, R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.A. Navarre, J. Debons, and M.I. Vales. 2016. Yukon Nugget: a mid-season yellow skin, yellow flesh specialty potato with extreme resistance to Potato Virus X. Amer. J. Potato Research 93: 602-608.
Miller, J.C., Jr., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, D.G. Holm, J.J. Pavek, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, J.J. Nunez, R. Wilson, C.R. Brown, C.C. Shock, C.M. Long. 2018. Reveille Russet: An early, widely adapted, high-count-carton russet for the fresh market. Amer. J. Potato Res. 95:79-86.
J. C. Miller Jr., D. C. Scheuring, J. W. Koym, D. G. Holm, J. J. Pavek, R. G. Novy, J. L. Whitworth, J. C. Stark, B. A. Charlton, S. Yilma, N. R. Knowles, M. J. Pavek, J. J. Nunez, C. C. Shock, C. R. Brown. 2015. ATTX961014-1R/Y a.k.a. Sierra Rose™: A Red-Skin, Yellow-Flesh Potato Cultivar for the Specialty/Gourmet Market. Amer. J. Potato Res. 92:491-496. The final publication is available at link.springer.com.
Love, S.L., R.G. Novy, J. Whitworth, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, A.R. Mosley, M.J. Pavek, R.N. Knowles, C.R. Brown, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2006. GemStar Russet: A potato variety with high yield, good culinary quality, excellent fresh market appearance, and resistance to common scab. Amer. J. Potato Res. 83:171-180.
Miller, J.C., Jr., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and D.G. Holm. 2005. TX1523-1Ru/Y a.k.a. Sierra Gold: An early maturing yellow flesh Russet cultivar for the specialty market. Amer. J. Potato Res. 82:369-377.
Lynch, D.R., J.C. Miller, Jr., L.M. Kawchuk, C.A. Schaupmeyer, J. Holley, J. Panford, D.K. Fujimoto, D. Waterer, J. Wahab, B. Rex, and M.S. Goettel. 2000. AC Stampede Russet: A high yielding oblong russet cultivar for the french fry and fresh market industries. Amer. J. Potato Res. 77:241-244.
Mosley, A.R., S.R. James, K.A. Rykbost, D.C. Hane, C.E. Stranger, C.C. Shock, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, J.C. Miller, Jr., S.L. Love, R.E. Thornton, D.G. Holm, and R.E. Voss. 2000. Century Russet: A High-Yielding Fresh Market Cultivar with Verticillium Resistance. Amer. J. Potato Res. 77:161-165.
Miller, J.C., Jr., D.C. Scheuring, J.P. Miller and G.C.J. Fernandez. 1999. Selection, evaluation, and identification of improved Russet Norkotah strains. Amer. J. Potato Res. 76:161-167.
Holm, D.G., J.C. Miller, Jr., D.G. Smallwood. 1992. Russet Nugget: A fresh market and processing potato cultivar. Amer. Pot. J. 69:331-336.
Lauer, F., J.C. Miller, Jr., N. Andersen, E. Banttari, A. Kallio, S. Munson, P. Orr, D. Preston, D.G. Smallwood, J. Sowokinos, G. Titrud, R. Wenkel, J. Wiersma, and D. Wildung. 1988. Krantz: A russet cultivar for the irrigated sands. Amer. Pot. J. 65: 387-391.